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Welcome to Oak Grove Classical Academy

Cultivation of Delight and Wonder

Producing lifelong learners requires faithful and strategic cultivation of wonder in both the classroom and the home.

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Pursuit of Wisdom and Virtue

We cultivate wisdom and virtue in our students by meditating on that which is true, good and beautiful.

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Oak Grove partners with parents in their God-given task to teach their children spiritually, academically, and physically.

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Pursuit of Excellence

Students who love the Lord put forth full effort, regardless of who is watching or whether it is commended by others.

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Passionately Christ-Centered

We believe that a great education inspires students to pursue the Truth and understand the world around them.

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Educating the Whole-Man

Emphasizing our core tenants of Humility, Courage, Diligence, Integrity, we seek to educate mind, body, and spirit.

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Uniquely Classical

The purpose of Christian Classical education is to cultivate wisdom and virtue.

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Augustine, among many others, argued that humility is the chief of all the virtues, the essential virtue which the others depend upon. Read More


We teach our students that unshakeable courage is built from and grounded in trust in an unshakeable and omnipotent God. Read More


Having the virtue of diligence means that one approaches and engages in every task wholeheartedly, giving their very best, as unto the Lord... Read More


A person of integrity demonstrates wholeness. They have a settled and firm understanding of their identity: where they came from, who they ... Read More

Growing Classically Podcast

Growing Classically Podcast

For anyone interested in thinking through the beauty and uniqueness of a Christian, Classical, University-Model™ education

Join us as we embark on a quest to nurture intellects, character, a love for lifelong learning, and a deeper love for Christ in our students and ourselves.