“Through the faltering and feeble efforts of a few, God demonstrated that He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.”
Our History
Oak Grove can trace its beginnings back to early 2007 with an email calling for any local families interested in a Classical school start-up in the Albuquerque area. Though several attended that first meeting at an east side bookstore, subsequent meetings saw fewer and fewer attendees until just four moms remained. Meeting monthly, with infants and small children in tow at the Burger King play area off Alameda, they felt underqualified and overwhelmed. However, they were dissatisfied with the available options for their own families and cautiously excited by the idea of a truly Christ-centered Classical school that allowed parents a participatory role in the education of their children. So they trudged on apprehensive but diligently to see what the Lord might do.
It wasn’t until the fall of 2007, after a scouting trip to a like-minded school in Austin, Tx that the vision of Oak Grove came into focus. Joined by their husbands, and introduced to supportive organizations like the National Association of University Model Schools© and Association of Classical Christian Schools, the framework for OGCA slowly began to take shape.
After countless hours spent in board meetings, open houses, marketing, curriculum planning, interviewing and, most importantly, prayer, Oak Grove Classical Academy opened its doors in August 2008, with 29 students and 3 teachers. Through the faltering and feeble efforts of a few, God demonstrated that He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.
Welcome from Our Headmaster
Oak Grove was was established in, and by God’s grace continues to thrive upon, a deep conviction that educating our children is a grand and noble task. It is not just an 8-3:30 segment of their day; rather it takes place from the rising of the sun to it’s going down. It happens not just in the classroom, but at the breakfast table, in the car, at the playground, on the basketball court, during an argument, while doing chores, and in those final moments before sleep. It is not just equipping them with skills and knowledge to get a job; rather, it is a transfer of a way of life. It is the commitment to nourish their minds and souls with truth, goodness, and beauty wherever they are found. It is the responsibility, like a farmer, to patiently and faithfully cultivate the seeds of wisdom and virtue in the soil of their hearts. It is the call to heed and obey the commandment to honor thy father and mother. It is the invitation to follow you, and their teachers, on the narrow path to “Learn for Life, and Live for Christ.”
Oak Grove is blessed to partner with families and faculty who are passionate about engaging in the lives of their children and students, and who relish the opportunity to disciple and educate the hearts and minds of those God has entrusted to their care in this special model of education. I invite you to consider where you might fit into this vibrant, encouraging, and purposeful community, and I hope to meet you and your family soon! -Headmaster Jonathan Winn